четверг, 14 сентября 2017 г.

How's it going? Here I am...again. And again I'm talking about learning.

It’s not a surprise that language learning requires a lot of practice. It’s thought to be sooo boring, yah? So, you need to use different resources to diversify it. Okay... Now I’ll tell you more about resources that you'll probably like.

Firstly, let us say that language learning is divided into learning of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Everybody knows it. In our university, we have a number of courses that aimed at studying a particular paths.

Well, nowadays it’s inconvenient to use huge printed dictionaries, so we always choose electronic ones. The most popular of them “Translate.google.by”, “Translate.ru”, “WooordHunt”and “Multitran.ru”. I usually use “Google translator” and “WooordHunt” when I need to translate something.

When we speak about combined training (for example, vocabulary + phonetics) I can recommend you “Duolinguo”. There you can choose any language you interested in and do simple exercises on translation and pronunciation. Another similar application is “Memrise”.I mentioned it in previous post. I like it, but there’s one problem – for more effective learning, you need to purchase “Pro mode”. I use these apps to improve my Spanish.

I also recommend you to visit the Internet resource “myhappyplanet.com”. Here you can send and receive messages with native speakers, learn about cultures and languages through lessons created by its members, watch videos uploaded by its members in multiple languages.

At the moment, this is all I can remember. In fact, there are a lot of applications and programs for education. I only named those, which I actively use. Well, thanks for your time. See you again. Good luck!

11 комментариев:

  1. oh! It's so usefull information!
    I've never heard abou some of sites, but today I'll use them.
    hope, it'll help me in my studing
    thank you, Ann!

  2. Great blog, I found out a lot of useful stuff and wish u gl in future. Thanks.

  3. Thank you for the useful information! I like your blog! :)

  4. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  5. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  6. I use the same resourses to translate words in my Practice of translation lessons. But I think the most interesting expirience will be at the myhappyplanet.com site, because it's very exicing to communicate with the foreigners.
