Hello everybody!
That's my first blog. To tell you the truth, I don't understand what to do here.Really. But I hope it will be enjoyable for me to work here. It's a new experience for me. Our teacher said that this blog will be helpful for us, so let's see.
Today I've learned about CALL. It's a computer assisted language learning.CALL is a process of learning language with the help of computer. I think, that it's very important for teacher to use such technologies nowdays,'cause it saves his time and energy. Also it can be more convenient for students to use some devices instead of writting down during the lecture. Computer,in this way, is a peripheral devices associated with term "computer", such as mobile phone,mp3players,notebook etc.
Our university gives an opportunity to use such devices at studies, which can increase our knowledges twice faster.
Well,I suppose that's enough for today. If you find any mistake in my post, write me back. See you next time. Bye!
That's my first blog. To tell you the truth, I don't understand what to do here.Really. But I hope it will be enjoyable for me to work here. It's a new experience for me. Our teacher said that this blog will be helpful for us, so let's see.
Today I've learned about CALL. It's a computer assisted language learning.CALL is a process of learning language with the help of computer. I think, that it's very important for teacher to use such technologies nowdays,'cause it saves his time and energy. Also it can be more convenient for students to use some devices instead of writting down during the lecture. Computer,in this way, is a peripheral devices associated with term "computer", such as mobile phone,mp3players,notebook etc.
Our university gives an opportunity to use such devices at studies, which can increase our knowledges twice faster.
Well,I suppose that's enough for today. If you find any mistake in my post, write me back. See you next time. Bye!
Nice to read your blog, Ann! Have Happy CALL studying experience!
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